How to workout for Motocross, Mountain Biking and Snocross!
When it comes to working out for an action sport like motocross, mountain biking or snocross a lot of your training should be done on the bike or specifically on the sport. Remember progressive overload is key and listen to your body and CNS system to ensure that you aren’t overtraining. These action sports are easily the most physically demanding. As with any endurance sport, nutrition is key. Long rides or training sessions require carbs to fuel them.
During the off-season, that is when you can primarily focus on training. The stressors from racing season/being race “fit” is out of the equation. The goal here is to improve your weaknesses and improve your level of fitness for the race season. The longer the off-season that you have the more you can focus on training. In turn, the greater the improvements you will see next season.
The athletes that can’t have much of an off-season don’t improve all that much unless they’re paid to be at their peak performance. Strength training is crucial for the off-season. You’re not going to get huge and slow from lifting. It has been proven to improve power, delay fatigue, and improve injury resistance. Muscular strength is what creates movement. Exercises like deadlifts, squats, hamstring curls, leg extensions, strengthen to be able to create more force, as well as fatiguing at a lower rate.
Break your off-season into thirds to build your base. 1/3rd of your focus should be on building your aerobic base combined with building strength in the gym. 2/3rds of your focus should be on medium intensity anaerobic training with peak strength in the gym. The last 3rd of your focus should be on small amounts of HIIT workouts with peak power in the gym.
Using a trainer or any type of cardio like rowing, running, etc.; can be used instead of on the bike training.
With HIIT Workouts, we're going to stack 3 to 5 exercises back-to-back. These exercises are going to be based around a mix of cardio, balance, stability, core strength, and muscle endurance.
“I have a couple strength days each week. I do a 4,000-meter row or a 2-mile run to start off and get warmed up. I work with kettlebells and do squats and do a lot of body-weight stuff like push-ups. I do a new set every minute for a total of 10 minutes. I also do a lot of knee stability workouts, like single-legged Roman deadlifts, so that I can build balance and strength in that area."-Nick Lorenz Pro Snocross

You're going to push yourself at 110% intensity through these 3-5 exercises. You want to spike your heart rate as close to your max as possible, so really give it everything you've got here. After you absolutely demolish these 3-5 exercises, you'll rest for 30 to 90 seconds (depending on your fitness level).
The more you do these workouts, you'll find that your heart rate will begin to recover quicker during the rest period. The idea behind these workouts, is to train your heart to recover as quick as possible from those situations where maybe you get a little sketchy on the bike, or maybe you're battling with someone, or you accidently hold your breath through a section, and your heart rate spikes. These things happen. These workouts will train your heart to recover in these situations as fast as possible.
The reality of it is, most rider's heart rates will spike, and then they have a hard time bringing it back down. Trying to maintain a 190-200bpm heart rate is when the mistakes start happening and when things get dangerous. Aerobic conditioning and anaerobic conditioning are what you need to work on. Cycling or mountain biking are going to be your best options for this type of training. But you can also go on the rowing machine or running. My go to here is the stationary cycling bike at the gym.
The pros are going on 3-4 hour cycling rides and maintaining their heart rates at 70-75% of their max heart rate. 3-4 hours simply just isn't happening on a stationary bike. But the longer the better.
I'll typically aim for 1 hour maintaining my heart rate at 75-80% of my max heart rate. My max is 204. So, I'll keep my heart rate between 150 and 160bpm during these cardio sessions. If you don't know your max heart rate, subtract your age from 220 to get a rough estimate. So, if you're 30 years old, 220-30= 190. 75% of 190 is 142.5bpm. This isn't a 100% accurate calculation, but it'll get you close enough to understanding where to maintain your heart rate during these cardio sessions.
We interviewed Cooper Webb and he said “I like doing a lot of strength training. You need to be able to throw the bike around.”

- Med ball Catch
- 2x45 sec
- Every minute on the minute
- x4 moderate/heavy weight
- 1 mile on bike

We want to have the ability to control the bike when things get sketchy, so it’s extremely important to be strong as a motocross racer.
Make sure to build in recovery days to ensure your body can recover and adapt from a workout or training session. “After I do a hard workout, I like to stretch and roll out my muscles. Snowmobile racing is super rough on your body.”-Nick Lorenz Pro Snocross. Stretching after exercising is the best time because you’ve increased circulation to those muscles and joints.
Endurance training is an important part of any athlete’s training regimen. It helps athletes build endurance, strength, and stamina as they work towards their goals. Here are some tips on how to train for endurance.
- Start Slowly: Don’t try to go too hard right away. Instead, start with shorter distances and shorter times and slowly build up the intensity and duration of your workouts. This will help you avoid injury and burnout while still allowing you to make progress towards your goals.
- Incorporate Interval Training: Interval training is a great way to build up both speed and endurance. It consists of alternating periods of high-intensity work with periods of rest or low-intensity work.
- Change Up Your Workouts: It’s important to keep your workouts interesting so that you don’t get bored. Try different activities and different settings to keep your workouts fun and challenging.
- Monitor Your Progress: Data and metrics can help you track your progress and motivate you to keep going. Use a heart rate monitor or a pedometer to keep track of your progress over time.
- Maintain Balance: Ensure that you are getting adequate sleep and recovery time and don’t overwork your body. Don’t be afraid to take breaks and/or adjust your training plan as needed.
By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to reaching your endurance training goals. With consistent effort and dedication, you can maximize your performance and reach new heights in your sport.
- Increase Your Cardio: Motocross is an intense, physically demanding sport. To be successful, you'll need to build up your cardio endurance. Running, cycling, and swimming are all great exercises to increase your endurance. Start with a moderate level of intensity and gradually increase the intensity over time.
- Strengthen Your Core: Core strength is essential for motocross riders. Your core muscles help you stay balanced and stable on the bike, and they protect your back from the jarring motion of riding. Incorporate exercises like planks, sit-ups, and leg raises into your workout routine.
- Improve Your Flexibility: Flexibility is key in motocross. Stretching and foam rolling are both great ways to improve your range of motion and reduce your risk of injury. Focus on stretching your hamstrings, hip flexors, and quads.
- Work on Your Balance: Balance is essential for motocross. Practice exercises like one-legged squats and single-leg deadlifts to improve your balance and stability.
- Strengthen Your Arms and Legs: Motocross requires upper body and leg strength. Incorporate exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and lunges into your routine.
- Practice Your Skills: The best way to prepare for motocross is to practice your skills. Find a motocross track and practice your cornering, jumping, and other techniques. The more time you spend on the bike, the better you'll become.